About the Westminster City Council Pension Fund
Find out more about how the fund is governed.
Find out more about how the fund is governed.
The Westminster Pension Fund is part of the national Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). If you join the fund you become a member and you will get a pension paid to you when you retire having completed 2 years scheme membership.
Members of Westminster City Council (WCC) Pension Fund include employees and ex employees of the Council. In addition the fund has a number of admitted bodies including academies, whose employees can join the scheme. Any employee who is uncertain of their entitlement to join should speak to their employer.
The LGPS is a statutory scheme. This means that it is very secure because the amount members are paid in retirement is defined and set out in law.
Teachers have their own pension scheme and some Public Health staff retain access to the NHS pension scheme.
The Superannuation Investment committee oversee the performance of the Westminster Pension Fund.
The Committee also holds the remit to approve any amendment of discretionary policies outlined by the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations.
The decision on individual cases will be made by the nominated officer in accordance with the agreed policy.
The Pensions Committee oversees the management of the Westminster City Council and act as trustees of the Fund.
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Governance arrangements for pension schemes in the public sector require Westminster City Council, as an administering authority for the LGPS (Local Government Pension Scheme), to have in place a local pension board.
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